Basic Services

Bonded Tooth-colored Fillings:

Evidence has shown that the manufacturers of tooth-colored filling materials have improved these materials so much in the past few years that we can confidently predict that the tooth-colored materials will last about as long as silver mercury fillings. In addition, since the tooth-colored materials bond to the existing tooth, there is less risk for tooth fracture than when using silver fillings, which do not bond to the tooth (and in fact, set by expansion). Tooth-colored filling material comes in a great number of colors (shades), and are matched to your individual tooth color. Typically, a different type of material is used for front and back teeth. The materials used for front teeth have a high shine; whereas, the materials for back teeth are designed for strength — both look great! It’s nice that if you have a filling it can be virtually undetectable.


be done for any number of reasons:

  • broken tooth
  • root canal treated tooth (to protect it from breaking)
  • large old filling (that can no longer support the tooth)
  • reshape tooth (for appearance and/or improved bite)

A filling really only repairs a small hole. To rebuild, reshape, or protect a substantial part of your tooth, a filling just won’t do the job, and a crown is preferred. A crown is also called a cap. Sometimes, a filling is not sufficient for long-term strength, yet there is quite a bit of healthy tooth. In this instance a partial crown or inlay is appropriate. A bridge is constructed to replace a missing tooth, and is made of crowns that are invisibly joined together.

Root Canal Therapy:

If the nerve of your tooth becomes infected by decay, or damaged by trauma, root canal therapy is often the only way to save your tooth. Inside your tooth's hard outer shell of enamel is a nourishing pulp of blood vessels and nerves. The root canals, which contain the pulp, extend to the bone. Deep tooth decay, or an injury, can cause serious damage and infection to the pulp's nerves and vessels. A "root canal" (the technical term is endodontic treatment) cleans out the infected pulp chamber and repairs the damage.


An extraction is the removal of a tooth, either one that has erupted past the gum or the remnants of the root that remain embedded in the jaw. Simple extractions sometimes require only a local anesthetic and can be performed in our office, while more complicated surgical extractions (i.e., impacted wisdom teeth) are generally referred out to an oral surgeon with the facilities for possible sedation.

Pediatric Dentistry:

Dr. Hofflich enjoys working with children. He has many patients as young as three years old. For the very apprehensive and/or uncooperative children, he will refer to a local pediatric dentist.

Complete and Partial Dentures:

Dentures are a removable appliance used to replace lost teeth. A complete denture may be worn when all of the top or bottom teeth are missing. A complete denture consists of natural-looking teeth mounted in an acrylic base molded to fit the remaining oral anatomy. A partial denture is similar to a bridge in that it fills the gap left by one or more missing teeth. New advances in dental prosthetics allow Dr. Hofflich to provide durable and flexible (bendable!) partial dentures that have the effect of blending naturally with the patient's own gums. The translucency of the material picks up the tone of the natural gum tissue without metal clasps to announce where the partial begins.

Periodontal (Gum) Treatment:

Although great strides have been made in preventing tooth decay due disease still is very common. At the comprehensive new patient exam visit, Dr. Hofflich will do a thorough periodontal exam. He will discuss the various factors associated with gum disease, and will outline a treatment plan to help the patient get their gums healthy. On each subsequent visit, Dr. Hofflich will re-evaluate the patient's periodontal condition and if necessary, refer the patient to a local periodontist (gum specialist).


If you have recently dealt with an injury or disease that affected your oral health, there are options available to recover the smile you once had. You may even be able to achieve a better smile than the one you had. Dental implants make it possible to renew your smile if you have lost some teeth.


Brushing and flossing at home to keep up your oral health is great, but it’s also important to visit the dentist for checkups and professional cleanings at least twice a year. These checkups allow your dentist to identify any problems in your mouth that you cannot see just by looking in the mirror, giving your dentist the opportunity to get you started on a treatment plan before any problems progress.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:00 pm





10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm


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